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                                 Recording Birdsong



Watch Film

 To watch short film about Recording Birdsong, click here. 

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Were there any other noises that you heard during the bird count? (wind, car etc.) Do other noises matter? If you had a sound recorder, where would you put it to capture the most bird song? When do you think is the best time to hear bird song? If you didn’t hear a specific bird, does that mean it is not there? If you hear five of the same bird call, does that mean there are five birds?

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Listen to the recording of the bird count. Now listen to the recording and do a bird count from it. Did you miss any bird calls? Does it match up with what you heard during the bird count? Did you hear any unusual bird calls? Did you hear any other sounds?

Match the sound to the manu

Match the bird call to the manu: tūī, pīwakawaka, karoro (black backed gull), black bird, sparrow, riroriro (grey warbler), kākā, tīeke (saddleback), kiwi pukupuku, toutouwai (North Island robin). For help, look under Avianz>Resources>Cheat Sheet>Birds. Answers are on the next page.




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