AviaNZ Overview
The AviaNZ project is a collaboration between mathematicians, data scientists, and conservation biologists, to enable acoustic recordings of birdsong to be turned into reliable estimates of abundance. We are interested in every part of the process:
❖ how to deploy acoustic recorders for different species,
❖ how to turn the recordings into data both manually and automatically,
❖ how to deal with noise and environmental sounds in the data,
❖ how to translate the number of calls into estimates of abundance with statistical reliability,
❖ how to apply this to a variety of bird species, principally in New Zealand, but also overseas
We work with many groups, from Ngapuhi, through the Department of Conservation and Nga Whenua Rahui, to local community groups in many areas.
We are funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund, the National Science Challenge on Science for Technological Innovation, Te Punaha Matatini, the Kiwi Recovery Group, and Department of Conservation (DOC).
Core Members
AviaNZ project is developing with contribution and collaboration from academic researchers to the professional practitioners, whanau/hapu/iwi, and other community members/groups.