




         Counting Birds




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Why do we want to know what birds are in our backyards, schools, local parks and forests? Are any of the manu endangered? Do they need our help?

Why is it sometimes hard to see birds?

Are there other ways we can tell if a bird is present? (example: nests)



Go outside and observe what a bird is doing (its behaviours): is it eating or looking for food, cleaning itself, or making a nest, or scaring away another bird, or singing?

Look for signs of bird presence – any feathers, or bird poo, nests, or, if kākā are in the area, any signs of tree damage?

Go outside and do a Bird Count. You could look at a map and choose a place. Listen and look. There is a bird count sheet here.
Important: Do a sound recording during the bird count. You can use a voice app on a phone/tablet. You will need this recording for the next tutorial.
How many different birds can you see or hear? What was the most common bird you heard or saw? Did you see or hear any unusual birds? Graph the results.